Nov 13, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016 - update

Well, after almost 2 weeks, I am still ahead (be it by a few hundred words only) and it's looking good so far. I haven't done much writing during the past few days, but I knew that was going to happen since I had to start combining it with the full-time job again.
I'll try to get back to it tomorrow, so I can get further ahead again, which will give me a bit of a buffer for the upcoming week.

How's everybody else doing this year??
Are you still motivated?
Soaring ahead?

Let me know in the comments.

Nov 6, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016 - A new beginning

I'm doing it again.

Hopefully this time, I'll keep the updates coming instead of dropping off the radar the way I did last year.

Either way, I'm back at it after finding a 20.000 word story sitting there, hoping it would be finished one day. And that day has come. It's a 24 fan fic so it won't make it into novel-form, but I'm sure folks will enjoy reading it over at my forum just the same.

Yep, Jack is Back!

So, how are things going??
Well, they're going great.
We're on Day 6 and I am at a total of 14.000 words. With the target for Day 6 at 10.000, it's not an understatement to say things are great and I'm happy I've built up a bit of a buffer because I probably won't keep up this pace over the next week.

On Monday, it's back to work (after a week off, mostly due to another bowel problem) and I'm not sure I'll have any energy left to do much writing.
On Tuesday, we have our self-defense class. I might not have a lot of "juice" left after that either. Then again, if I didn't smash my hands to pulp, I should still be able to sit on my couch and type ... we'll see.
On Friday, I have a trip planned with my kid. It's a WWII remembrance visit and since he's interested in the history of WWII, I agreed to do it. Problem being the weather will probably be pretty bad and I don't feel like spending my day running between raindrops.
I'll have to discuss it with him and my mom (it was booked through a friend of hers), but if we end up going, I won't be able to write much (if anything) on Friday either. If we don't go, I'll have a 3-day weekend to catch up on any slack I may have accumulated during the week.

But for now, everything's going great.

Anyone else taking part??
If so, let me know in the comments how you're getting along!

And if you'd like to "buddy" me, I'm MoodyVal.

Here's to more novels!!

Oct 3, 2016


Holy crap!!

Has it really been nearly a year since I was last here??????

Well, they say time flies when you're having fun, but I guess it flies just as quickly when you're not.

So, what has happened the past 11 months?
A lot!! That's for sure!!

First of all, let me just say I finished NaNoWriMo with a win (but just barely so). That was after all the last post I made, an update on my progress. So there ya have it. I won!!! LOL

What else has been going on since?
Well, my father died (no worries, I never really knew him, he left my mom when I was still a baby) and we're only now getting to the end of all the follow-up. Now, the only thing that is left to discuss, is the house. When he died, my siblings and I (there's 3 of us, but don't worry, I'm the only crazy one) inherited his half of the house he bought with my mom. We're trying to figure out what to do with it (I live in it at the time, since I'm renting it from my mom who had full "use" of it after their divorce so many years ago).

Then, exactly 2 months after his death (even though we didn't find out till the end of April because nobody knew if he had a family or not), my ex-husband died. He actually didn't just "die", he committed suicide. That made a big impact on our lives. Thankfully, it was an immensely positive impact!! My son no longer has to find an excuse every other weekend and there are no more arguments or fights over him not wanting to go. The kid just turned 16. That's YEARS, not months. There's no way you could get away with forcing a 16-year old to spend his weekend in your tiny, stinky apartment, watching you smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes each day and pour beer after beer after beer down your throat. Eventually, you're gonna have a problem.
Now, the problem has resolved itself.

Nobody knows why he did it, but I sorta put 2 and 2 together and I'm thinking he simply ran out of money and decided that was it and he put an end to it. I can't think of anything else because he really wasn't the type of guy who would even consider "backing out" of anything. He'd rather make your life miserable than admit he was wrong. Even about the silliest things.

So, that's a weight off our shoulders (even though I'm keeping an eye on my son, just in case).

Then what happened?

Oh yeah!! We had a great holiday visiting my friend in Canada and adding a long weekend in New York City after what my son went on his second trip to Sweden (he's becoming a genuine little globe trotter).

That actually brings us almost up to today.

One more thing I might want to add, I finally found Krav Maga classes in the area and have started last week. Good thing about it, my son can join me (even though it's an adult class). We're probably going to enjoy the fact we're doing it together more than the activity itself, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Looking forward to tomorrow's class and if you're lucky, I might even start updating on that .... if I don't lose my link.