Apr 18, 2013

The Motivator - Friday Flash Fiction - all audiences

Yes, I'm early. Not by much though, it will be Friday here in 85 minutes.

This week's prompt over at +Krisann Gentry 's blog is as simply as it is complex: write a short essay from the starting point "an inspirational speech in under 50 words".
That can go anywhere.
It did!

Enjoy the read :o)

The motivator.

That’s a nice title.
If I were to make new business cards, I might add it, but then again, why do I need business cards. I don’t need them for my job and I don’t go out a lot, so I certainly don’t need them to hand out to all my new ‘friends’. Why would I need to have them?
Or should I make them for fun?
As a way to get a chuckle or a smile out of people when they check them?
I could.

But that’s not what I wanted to write about.
No, it’s the ‘motivator’ thing I need to write about. Well … need … it’s a big word. Then again, I do need to write. I need to keep busy and help myself move forward. I need to expand my horizon, break out of the box I have been locked up in for such a long time now. I need to find other things to write about. Other than the eternal Jack Bauer.
I love to write about him, though. He’s so flexible, yet so rigid. So outlandishly awesome, yet so humanly flawed.
It’s a character I love to work with, because I can do anything to – or with – him.
It’s Jack Bauer’s ‘fault’ I’m here tonight, working on this piece. It’s so totally Jack Bauer’s ‘fault’ I started writing in English and it’s even more Jack Bauer’s ‘fault’ that I keep getting better at what I do. It’s also Jack Bauer’s ‘fault’ I met some of the most awesome people ever, because without him, I wouldn’t have visited the sites that I did. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have connected with these people; I would never have met them and I would certainly never have had the chance to meet them.
Four words come to mind (and I actually have a badge that says that): Jack Bauer is God.
He sure is my God (as in “oh my god, he’s awesome” LOL).

But enough!
That’s not what I wanted to write about.
I wanted to write about this week’s prompt.
About ‘an inspirational speech in under 50 words’.
That’s what made me think I should add ‘Motivator’ as a title on those business cards (I won’t make).
As a mother, that’s what you are - must be - end up being - never thought you could be.
It’s something that comes naturally (I think) when faced with your own personal mini-me(s). That something that makes you say the right things at the right times to make all the stress, strain, anxiety and/or fear go away. That what will encourage the mini-me to go for it, to give it his best shot, to take that leap or jump off that rock. That something that makes the difference between wanting to do it and actually doing it.

But what is it?
What is it, that gives mommies (only speaking for myself here) the ability to take a child’s hand and help it fly? Is it superhuman strength? Is it an invisible umbilical cord that connects us and feeds my courage straight to my mini-me? Is it an echo of words once heard oneself and merely repeated to the next generation? Is it a never ending gift, passed on along with our other skills and talents, straight down the family tree?
What is it, that gives us the ability to talk sense into young rebels? To give them focus when their heads are in disarray? To give them courage when their heart has sunk into their heels? What is it, that lets us say what needs to be said? Do what needs to be done?

Maybe Jack Bauer isn’t the only god around here.
Maybe I’m a goddess myself.
A goddess and a motivator, inevitably able to sway the most discouraged, fearful, young one into giving it his all.
How’s that for a motivational poster!
If that doesn’t inspire you … let me see if I can find something else.

Here are a few words of wisdom:

·         Never give up on your dreams, they are what keeps you alive on the inside
·         What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger (and I am living, breathing, writing proof of that)
·         Always expect the unexpected, you will never be caught off guard
·         Tomorrow is only a day away
·         The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the street
·         When at first you don’t succeed, try again
·         On your next birthday, remember you are only one day older than the day before

Enjoy your life, you only get one shot at it.
Make it worth your while.

More entries can be found at Now Hark This!
Feel free to join in if you'd like.
The more the merrier!!!


  1. A whole week later and I'm finally getting settled back into life and routine, including reading all the blogs I'd missed while I was gone!

    I love that you expounded on the topic so widely, while I took a pseudo-week-off and wrote as little as I could. Ha! Look forward to seeing what today (or tomorrow) brings.

    1. I was surprised to find the other entries to be exactly what the prompt said to write about: "an inspirational speech in under 50 words". As for this week .... I know nothing about real estate, but I'll slap something together.
