Nov 1, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

Well, despite everything that *didn't* happen the last year or so (writingwise I mean), I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year. I never thought I'd ever be able to write 50.000 words in just one month, given the fact I have a fulltime job and a single mom, but to hell with it. The least I can do is try it, right?

What more is there to say?
Just get your thumb out of your ass and start writing.

Plain and simple.

And guess what! I actually got it going.
I kept myself "busy" playing some Call of Duty until midnight, then started up the computer and actually did get some writing done. Not that I did a whole hell of a lot of writing, but those first 200 words are all that matters.

Actually, those first 5 words were the ones that mattered.

They put an end to a very longlasting lack of writing "juice". Aside from a short story I whipped up just about a year ago for the FWG Anthology (which I didn't even finish and ended up pulling out of the anthology due to a lack of interest), I hadn't written anything. Proof enough is right here on my blog. I hadn't posted anything since February until I took a leap of faith and asked one of my English speaking colleagues to beta my novel. I still needed to finish the edit I had been sitting on for over a year, but having asked, I knew I couldn't make him wait forever. That same night, I finished the edit and posted on my blog. A double victory.

My mind has been working overtime on stories lately (which is always a good sign), but I needed something to get me started on actually *writing* them. November 1st did the trick.

I will try to keep the updates coming, but for now, let me get back to my alien invasion .... lol.

For those of you who are joining me: Have a Fabulous NaNo!!!

Bye for now!!

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